Saturday, February 23, 2008

Traveling Tips for Grandparents and Little Ones

Spring break is almost upon us, so when I found a recent article from AAA entitled "Grand Adventures;" a story about kids traveling with their grandparents, I couldn't help but take notice. What a great slice of practical advice (don't forget the snacks, etc.), but also the less widely-known ideas that can help ensure a trip remains a lifetime memory, like keeping a journal.

Perhaps this is intuitive for most, but if you are like my own parents who had a gap of 10 years between grandchildren, you could use some brushing up on the nuances of traveling with Cheerios....and hand sanitizer...and get the picture.

The 7 Tips for Planning Your Own Grandkid Trip as told by AAA (the experts)...

1) For younger children - until about age 15 - begin with close to home trips.
2) Let the grandchildren help decide the destination and involve them and their parents in the planning.
3) Allow the youngsters to set the pace. Remember they often need more sleep and more calories than adults.
4) Help the kids decide what to pack; ensure they save space for souvenirs.
5) Take sturdy, well-broken-in shoes. Blisters can play havoc with any trip.
6) Urge the kids to take photos; have them practice with a camera before the trip (next activity - scrapbooking the trip!)
7) Keep a journal - all of you - and reserve time to write. Encourage artistic children to make sketches of scenes or people they encounter.

These are the fundamentals and I think we could all expand on this depending on the age of the children; but its a great place to get start.

Bon voyage!

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